Approach to Pharmacological Properties and Chemical Constituents of Selected Apiaceous Plant Species

Document Type : Review Articles


1 Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shibin Elkom Teaching Hospitals, Shibin Elkom, Menoufia, Egypt.

2 Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Menoufia University, Shibin Elkom, Menoufia, Egypt.

3 Department of Pharmacognosy and Natural Products, Faculty of Pharmacy, Menoufia University, Shibin Elkom, Menoufia, Egypt.

4 Department of Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt


Umbelliferae family represents the broadest plant families. It is mainly distributed in the Mediterranean countries. Coriander, cumin, fennel, and anise are the Apiaceous plant species that are traditionally used most frequently. The Apiaceae family is thought to have the potential to bioactive metabolites as terpenoids, polyacetylenes, polyphenols compounds, and essential oils. The Apiaceae family's ability to exhibit hepatoprotective, antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiaging has been convincingly demonstrated in a myriad of pharmacological investigations using both in vivo and in vitro models, supporting the rationale behind several of its therapeutic uses. The current review highlights the inconsistent information provided in the literature regarding the chemical makeup and pharmacological properties of various extracts and volatile oils from selected Apiaceae plants. It also reveals their potential for usage in other industrial applications, such as the development of medicines and cosmetics. This review will provide backing for additional research on the pharmacological effects of species of medicinal plants in the Apiaceae family


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