Facts & Figures
Number of Volumes  4
Number of Issues  9
Number of Articles  119
Article View  34,839
PDF Download  39,707
View Per Article  292.76
PDF Download Per Article  333.67

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Azhar International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences is a new international, biannual, peer-reviewed journal. AIJPMS is designed to publish articles covering a broad spectrum of topics related to all aspects of pharmaceutical and medical sciences and their applications. We aim to create a top-level journal that publishes high-quality articles in these fields. AIJPMS will continue to expand to cover the latest trends and developments in pharmaceutical and medical sciences.

Current Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2, June 2024 

Impact of Pentoxifylline Therapy on the Quality of Life in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Patients

Pages 27-32

Ahmed Abomandour; Adel G. Bakr; Ahmed M ElGhandour; Hosny A Elewa; Maha Abdel Rhman; Zeinab A Zalat